- Start Date - 25/04/2013
- End Date - 25/04/2013
- Start Time - 18.45
- End Time -
- Location - Albert Lecture Theatre, RCSI, 123 St Stephen's Green
- Interested -
The Dean, Vice Dean & Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, RCSI
Invites you to attend
The Fergal Nally Lecture
on Thursday, April 25th 2013
at 6.45p.m.
in the Albert Lecture Theatre, RCSI
Professor Mark Ferguson:
‘Scar Wars: from accidental discover of scar free embryonic healing to the development of potential human therapeutic agents’
The Lecture will be followed by an Informal Reception in the College Atrium
R.S.V.P to:
The Faculty of Dentistry, The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 121 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Phone: 01 402 2239 / 402 2256 Email: facdentistry@rcsi.ie