When a student / researcher / scientist attends RCSI in a visiting capacity, the Principal Investigator [PI] or Head of Department [HOD] is required to register the visiting individuals attendance with the University.
There are now the additional steps required when welcoming a visiting scientist to any of RCSI locations, due to the current restriction of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the required Visiting scientist form, the below outlines additional supports and information for both PIs and visiting scientists.
The purpose of this policy is primarily to clarify the assignment of intellectual property and to outline the procedure when a student / researcher / scientist attends RCSI Laboratories in a visiting capacity. This policy applies to all visiting students / researchers / scientists who attend RCSI in an unpaid visiting capacity.
Head of Department/ Director of Research approval
Principle Investigator (PI) must seek approval from the Head of Department (or Director of Research if needed) and H&S before a visiting scientist agreement is put in place, taking into consideration; capacity limitations and the essential nature of the research. This must be done by completing the Visiting Scientist Approval form. The purpose of this form is to outline the essential nature of the research and any additional support needed to facilitate such a visit.
Visiting Scientist Agreement
The HOD / PI must complete a Visiting Scientist Agreement with any individual who is invited to attend RCSI and use its facilities. If necessary the agreement will be tailored to specific situations with the input of Technology Transfer.
The completion of this agreement allows RCSI to:
- clarify the assignment of intellectual property.
- manage the research space within the College laboratory’s and write-up areas efficiently and
- ensure optimum security is kept both within our buildings and within the RCSI IT network.
Visiting Scientists Traveling from Overseas
All staff, students, contractors and visitors coming from oversees are to restrict their movements for 14 days before attending the RCSI campus regardless of whether the country they have travelled from is on the green list or not. PIs should engage with the visiting scientist to obtain confirmation of their arrival date into Ireland (e.g flight details) to confirm the visiting scientist has completed the 14 day restricted movement period and to plan for the first day on campus.
Complete the daily Health Questionnaire and Return to Campus Training
RCSI must implement measures to protect all workers, students and others who are in our buildings in line with the government’s protocol. All RCSI staff, researchers, students and contractors approved for access to the University at this time must complete an RCSI Health Questionnaire at least 24 hours in advance of attending onsite, and every time they attend campus. The visiting scientist will receive a link to the questionnaire as part of H&S’s email to visitors to the campus. In addition to this the visiting scientist will be required to complete the ‘return to Campus Training which will also be issued by H&S.
Wearing Face Coverings
We have all learned that those who do not feel sick can still spread the virus. That is why, anyone attending the campus, will be required to wear facial coverings. This is in line with government and public health advice. We ask everyone to provide their own face covering for normal, day-to-day activity. In line with RCSI Green Campus initiatives we ask that where possible they wear reusable coverings to reduce the environmental impact of disposable masks.
RCSI Response Protocol
If a visiting scientist displays symptoms of Covid-19 or is a close contact with a confirmed case, they are required to follow the steps outlined in the RCSI Covid-19 response protocol. For the duration of the visiting scientist agreement, Mercer’s Medical centre will act as the GP should the visiting scientist become symptomatic. Their details are below:
Mercers Medical Centre
Address: Mercer Building: 2 Stephen Street Lower, Saint Peter’s, Dublin 2
Phone: 01402 2300
We require all visitors to RCSI campus to download the Covid tracker App. Using the COVID Tracker app along with the existing public health measures will help us all stay safe.
For any further information, please contact the:
- IP Rights – researchadministration@rcsi.ie
- IT ISSUES – https://evros.uk.cloudradial.com/app/
- Health & Safety – safety@rcsi.ie
- Estates – Estate@rcsi.ie