The IT Security policy and supporting policies (internet, encryption, email etc.) provide a framework in which security threats to University Information Systems can be identified and managed on a risk basis and establishes terms of reference, which are to ensure uniform implementation of information security controls throughout the University.
The objectives of these policies are to:
- Ensure that information is created and maintained in a secure environment;
- Ensure that all of the University’s computing facilities, programs, data, network and equipment are adequately protected against loss, misuse or abuse;
- Create awareness that appropriate security measures must be implemented as part of the effective operation and support of Information Security;
- Ensure that all users understand their own responsibilities for protecting the confidentiality and integrity of the data they handle;
- Ensure all University owned assets have an identified owner /administrator;
- Ensure that all users are aware of and fully comply with the Policy Statement and the relevant supporting policies and procedures;
- Ensure that all users are aware of and fully comply with the relevant Irish and European Community legislation.
These documents are available for review for all staff to understand their roles and responsibility in the implementation and compliance with this policies.
All of these policy documents can be found on the IT Guides Portal
- RCSI IT Security Policy
- RCSI IT Email Policy
- RCSI Internet Usage Policy
- RCSI Encryption Policy
- RCSI IT Change Management Policy
- RCSI Cyber Security Incident Management Plan