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RCSI Work Safely on Campus

In line with the current positive Covid outlook and the removal of most restrictions for society and business, RCSI is encouraging more staff to begin to return to campus and trail ways of hybrid working.  RCSI is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our staff, students, contractors and visitors.  To ensure that, we have developed the following RCSI Work Safely Plan.  This document was produced by the Business Continuity Planning (BCP) team under the leadership of Barry Holmes.  The objective is to give clarity to students and staff on the measures taken and policies adopted by RCSI to enable us study and work on campus safely.

Staff FAQS

Below you will find a list of questions from staff submitted through the RCSI Suggestion Box or at our live Town hall events.  These will be regularly updated as more information becomes available.

What safety measures does RCSI have in place to continue to reduce the risk of COVID-19?

The Work Safely Plan details the policies and practices necessary for RCSI to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our buildings.  Some of the key points of note contained within are listed below.  Everybody has a role to play in minimising the risks from COVID-19 on campus, for their own safety and that of their fellow colleagues and students.

Face coverings are no longer mandatory on SSG campus; however if you are working on a clinical site, then a face mask is mandatory.

Under no circumstances should you come to campus if you are feeling unwell.  If you develop symptoms while on campus, you must isolate yourself and contact campus health and safety on (01) 402 2107.  If a student has any concerns about their COVID-19 status, please inform your SARA Coordinator, who will arrange any class materials that you need to continue your studies remotely.

The campus still have COVID-19 related signage and numerous hand-sanitising stations.  Please clean as you go throughout campus.  Canteen/common room facilities are back open including coffee/tea making facilities, microwaves, toasters and hot water dispensers etc.  Please use the hygiene products (sanitising sprays and wipes) that is provided before and after use.

Each room, office, laboratory, tutorial room and communal area will be provided with cleaning materials to keep the environment hygienically clean and we are advised to regularly clean any personal items brought in from home.

In addition, everyone will be expected to clean their own stations daily and more importantly to ‘clean as you go’ when moving around on campus to maintain the hygiene standards needed to kill any virus particles.

When am I expected to where a face covering while on Campus?

We have all learned that those who do not feel sick can still spread the virus.  That is why we are all required to wear facial coverings or masks.  We ask everyone to provide their own mask or face covering for normal, day-to-day activity.  Face coverings must be worn at all times when you are onsite at RCSI locations including in shared office space.

If you are sitting in your own private office or an enclosed private workspace alone, behind a perspex screen and clearly when eating or drinking, you do not need to wear a mask or face covering.

Is it advisable for researchers to wear reusable masks in the lab?

This is dependent on the type of exposure / risk in the lab and the risk assessment for your activity – we are at all times conscious of contamination within a lab.  Thus in certain settings disposal face coverings are recommended.

If a department has not yet sought staff preferences/input on work arrangements, will that happen soon?

Heads of Schools / Department Managers are currently engaging with their HR Partners on this and thereafter the HoD’s /Managers will engage with their teams.  If these discussions haven’t commenced yet it is advisable that you discuss this at your team meetings or directly with your HoD / Manager.

Recent research says good ventilation is important to reduce the risk of Covid-19 spreading. How does this affect the RCSI buildings ventilation where windows cannot be opened?

95% of our campus locations operate on “full fresh” – air conditioning that does not recirculate air.  All our filters are changed on a frequent basis (all are serviced regularly and will continue to be in line with best practices).  Our AC units are all set for full occupancy and will remain at same.

In the 5% that aren’t air conditioned or that aren’t using full fresh air, measures are being taken to address same – this might range from opening windows or other mechanical interventions at local level.

Can I get a refund for the time the gym was closed?

The RCSI Gym have been delivering content online and increased their 1:1 engagements and personal training online offerings since our closure so there are no plans to refund staff for their monthly subscriptions.  You can cancel your gym subscription with payroll at anytime if you would like to, simply email payroll@rcsi.ie.

Transport to campus?

The annual tax saver ticket for public transport is still in operation in RCSI.  You can find all details here

All RCSI Bike racks are open.

The RCSI Car Park is located on Mercer St., also referred to the RCSI/St. Stephens Green Car Park.  Staff and Students can avail of a daily discount.  Complete this application form and bring to the Car Park Office on ground floor of car park (at the York St. entrance).  If you have any queries, contact estate@rcsi.ie

How can I claim government tax relief for working from home?

You can claim this tax relief through your online Revenue ‘myAccount’ Service.  All details are available here on the Revenue website.

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