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Media policy

RCSI has a reputation for providing excellence undergraduate and postgraduate healthcare education. The media is frequently interested in RCSI and we have a responsibility to be open and responsive to their information requests because the media are one of the ways in which our stakeholders build their individual perceptions of RCSI and the work we do in the communities we serve. This, in turn, has an effect on RCSI being a more attractive option for both under and postgraduate students when choosing an institution to embark on their studies.


This policy exists to assure that information disclosed by RCSI is timely, accurate, comprehensive, authoritative and relevant to all aspects of RCSI. Adherence to this policy is intended to provide an effective and efficient framework to facilitate the timely dissemination of information.


This media policy applies to all employees of RCSI. It covers all external news media including broadcast, digital and print.

Guidelines for talking with the media
A reporter, producer or other news media may contact you for a number of reasons, for example:

  • To get information about RCSI
  • To gain insight into a topical healthcare or education issue or to get a better understanding of a particular research topic.
  • To get information about a recent unexpected event such as employee or student complaint, accidents or injuries, natural disasters, arrests, overseas or political issues etc.
  • To get information or comment about an action or event that could impact our industry
  • To get information on a topical story

If you receive a call from the media you must refer all calls to the Communications Department.

It is important that you do not say you are not ‘allowed to talk to a reporter’ or ‘have to get permission’ to do so. Instead, tell the reporter ‘RCSI policy is to refer all media inquiries to the Communications Department. You can reach the Communications Department at 402 2218/402 8610 /402 2196 /402 2242.’

When taking a call from the media, the same courtesy and professionalism in which we approach our students/colleagues should be displayed towards the media. Please act quickly when approached by the media to ensure that the reporter’s deadline is met. This is important because the way this call is handled may be the reporter’s first impression of RCSI and that first impression may end up in the story published or the news segment broadcast. In order to promote our customer service image, it is important to respond quickly, courteously and professionally to all media calls.

If you are approached by a journalist, please remember to contact the Communications Department to let the department know when and who contacted you, the nature of the query and their contact details. The Communications Department will need your help to prepare a response. Do not let a reporter compel you to answer questions on the spot.

Guidelines for photographs and film

A similar process as described above will be used when someone from the media is requesting permission to take photographs or to film inside our facilities. Refer the call to the Communications Department. No one will be given access to your facility for a photo or filming without the approval of the Communications Department. The Communications Department will not give approval without talking in advance with the manager of the facility. Decisions to photograph/film will be based on a number of considerations including but not limited to:

  • What does RCSI have to gain from the photo/filming?
  • How much disruption will this cause to operations?
  • What is the age and condition of the facility?
  • Does the facility look good enough to photograph/film?

If a reporter / camera crew show up unannounced, the manager must contact the Communications Department immediately to let them know which news source is there. The staff of the facility and the manager should act with professionalism and courtesy.
The following guidelines will be used if TV camera crews or print photographers show up unannounced:

  • The Communications Department will contact the camera crew’s newsroom or the print photographer’s editor for clarification
  • The media will not be allowed to enter our facility to photograph / film without permission
  • The media cannot block the entrance to our facility or prevent people from entering or conducting business as usual.

Guidelines for seeking media coverage

In circumstances in which you believe you have a positive news story to share with the public, contact the Communications Department. It is the only department authorised to distribute RCSI news releases or pitch coverage of events.

Do not call a reporter directly without first consulting the Communications Department. The Communications Department will work with you to gather information and determine if and how the news media should be contacted.

Some news items may be more appropriate for internal publicity such as Pulse (staff newsletter) CEO Memo or other forms of employee communication. For further information on this refer to communicating your news section on the staff portal.

Contact the RCSI Communications Department here.

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