The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) has been awarding membership by examination since 2002. The Associate Fellowship and, latterly, the Membership replaced the Fellowship as this was reflective of changes taking place in both the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland in surgical training. The Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (MRCSI) examination is fully recognised by both the General Medical Council (UK) and the Irish Medical Council. Surgical trainees in Ireland are required to successfully pass all stages of the examination before being awarded a Certificate of Completion of Basic Surgical Training. Doctors from overseas who wish to practice in Ireland may be exempt from the Irish Medical Council’s PRES examination if they are membership holders.
The examination syllabus is intercollegiate. Part A of the examination is common to all four Colleges and candidates can sit that exam in Dublin three times a year. Candidates then decide to sit Part B in Ireland or in one of the three surgical Royal Colleges in the UK. RCSI is offers opportunities to sit these examinations in Ireland and at a number of overseas centres in the following countries Bahrain (Manama), Egypt (Cairo), Jordan (Amman), and Malaysia (Penang).
Further details can be found on the RCSI website.