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Media Communications Policy


The RCSI Communications department seeks to increase awareness and understanding, both externally and internally, of the aims and activities of the College. This is achieved through promotion of RCSI’s achievements, initiatives, research, activities and events of significance in all areas of the College‘s operations.

We are committed to working proactively with the media to achieve good working relationships with journalists who report the news via print, radio, television, online and social media. Positive relationships with the media are developed and enhanced by providing honest and helpful information to reporters, in a timely manner and in an atmosphere of mutual respect and candour.

Purpose and context

The Communications Department is responsible for the management of RCSI interactions with the media including media campaigns, the co-ordination of RCSI’s response to general media inquiries, issuing official RCSI statements to the media and managing and implementing the communications response to a crisis situation.

  • The College attracts widespread media attention at both national and international level
  • It is critical that RCSI’s interaction with the media is effectively managed in order to build, promote and protect the reputation of the College as necessary
  • This ensures that RCSI’s policies, positions and responses are accurately and effectively communicated through the various media channels.
  • This document serves to outline and clarify guidelines for interacting with the media and  to support staff in their dealings with journalists so as to promote and achieve a positive perception of RCSI.  These guidelines include measures to follow when approached by representatives of the media as well as steps to make in submitting appropriate news material to the media.


1. RCSI maintains an attitude of openness to engage with the media.

  • Staff are encouraged to respond to requests from the media regarding their research, teaching or professional areas of expertise.
  • However, the communications team should be informed as soon as possible of any approach from members of the media. This is particularly important to ensure a coordinated and professional response as follow up inquiries may also be necessary.
  • Also, in order to avoid confusion or duplication of effort and to assist RCSI in building strong relationships with the media, staff are requested to notify the Communications Department of contacts with or interviews by media representatives.
  • Questions raised by the media outside a staff member’s area of expertise should be referred to the Communications Department so that the journalist can be directed to the appropriate source.
  • Where issues involve a wider significance for the College and/or are of a controversial or sensitive nature the Associate Director, Head of Communications should be immediately informed.

2. The policy for release of information to the media is via the Communications Department – the central source of information for journalists.

There may be instances where an alternative route may be agreed by special arrangement.

3. The Communications Department will work with you to see how best to promote your activity and will advise on the best communications strategy to achieve maximum awareness with both internal and external publics.

4.  Upon receiving an interview request from the media, Communications will contact the relevant faculty or staff members. It is strongly encouraged that faculty and staff agree to be interviewed and make themselves available, as they have the expertise to provide valuable information for the press while raising RCSI’s profile in the public arena, as well as the professional profile of the member of staff in their specific area of expertise. Also, building these relationships with media is important when trying to gain proactive media coverage.

5. If a member of the media is observed on the College campus, the Communications Department should be informed.

Guidelines for communicating with the media

Guidelines for communicating with the media when the issue is non-controversial and limited to the staff member’s area of expertise are outlined below.  Please note that a member of the Communications team will always be happy to sit in on any media interview and provide support and guidance as necessary.  In addition, media training can be given as may be required.

Please note the following:

  • Obtain the name of the journalist calling, the media organisation and contact details
  • Be aware that anything you say can be quoted
  • Ask if the conversation is being recorded
  • It is very unwise to enter into any off the record discussions
  • The best approach with the media is to be prompt, helpful and honest.  However, you can ask for time to prepare a response if you feel this is necessary
  • Make sure you understand each question before responding. If you cannot answer the question, or are uncomfortable providing a response, take the reporter’s number and advise him/her that someone who can provide the information will contact him/her.  Contact a member of the communications team
  • It is always important to remember that in responding to the media, you can be seen as representing and speaking for the university. Personal opinions should be clearly and carefully identified as such.

In addition, there are various tools that may be used to communicate to the media.  Examples of these tools include a press release, diary notice, post event release, photographs.Plans for publicising events or research should include contact with the Communications Department at least four weeks in advance.  We also strongly encourage all faculty and staff to contact the Communications Department with ideas for possible stories that can serve to further increase awareness of the College and its activities.