Since May 1st 2011, all doctors who hold Specialist, General or Supervised registration with the Irish Medical Council, are legally obliged to maintain professional competence by enrolling in a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) and meeting the requirements set by the Medical Council.
RCSI is formally recognised by the Medical Council under Section 91(4) of the Medical
Practitioners Act 2007 to operate a Professional Competence Scheme (PCS) for Surgery and Emergency Medicine. The Department of Surgical Affairs operates the Professional Competence Scheme under an arrangement with the Irish Medical Council.
As a training body accredited by the Medical Council, the Royal College of Surgeons has developed a Professional Competence Scheme, in accordance with Medical Council guidelines, to provide doctors with a standardised method of formally documenting their participation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities.
The Professional Competence Scheme Year commences 1st May and ends 30th April each year.
All Guidelines are available on the RCSI website
Approval for CPD Activities
RCSI (Department of Surgical Affairs) approves educational events / activities for the purposes of External Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which takes place in Ireland. Event / Meeting organisers will be required to apply online for CPD approval. RCSI Guidelines for approval of External Events for CPD and how to apply for CPD approval are available on the RCSI Website –