Has your Ph.D. or early postdoctoral research helped clarify the cellular pathways involved in a respiratory condition? Have you identified genetic susceptibility variants that may lead to a neurological disorder? Can you help explain the mechanisms underpinning forms of cardiovascular disease? Are you developing novel drug treatments for cancer patients, or pioneering new regenerative medicine techniques?
Human Disease Mapping invites you to its inaugural meeting at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to share your work.
The conference aims to celebrate the most outstanding marks that young researchers have made on the ever-evolving map of human disease over the course of 2013.
Funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) as part of the institute’s continued investment in young Irish scientists, the event will also host several keynote talks from prominent members of industry and academia.
For further information and how to submit an abstract please visit http://www.hdmconference.ie/