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Elected staff representative, Medicine & Health Sciences Board

Dated - December 6, 2013

Dear Colleague,

The Medicine & Health Sciences Board is the governing authority on degree-awarding activities within RCSI.  It meets five times per year and is chaired by the President of RCSI.  Its membership includes staff, students and public representatives.  There are three elected staff representatives on the Board. For the 2011-2014 term the elected staff members are, Dr Helen McVeigh (representative of administrative, support, technical staff), Professor Kevin McGuigan (representative of the Medical School) and Professor Kevin Nolan (representative of a school other than the Medical School).   Following the recent retirement of Professor Kevin Nolan, a vacancy now exists for a staff member representing schools ‘other than the medical school’.  Terms of Reference and Membership of the Board is available on the Staff Portal click here.

As Convenor of the Medicine & Health Sciences Board and on behalf of the President and Chair, Professor P Broe, I would like to invite staff who are interested in representing the schools ‘other than the medical school’ to put themselves forward for nomination by self-selection.  The appointment is for a four-year term, effective from 1st January 2014.  Successful candidates must be available to attend 5 meetings per annum, normally scheduled from 4pm – 6pm, on the last Thursday of January, March, May, September, November.

If you can commit to the above schedule then please submit to deansoffice@rcsi.ie an outline of no more than 150 words why you should be elected by staff to be their representative on this Board.  The closing date for receipt for your self-nomination application is 23:00 Tuesday 10th December 2013 .

Following receipt of self-nominations, an election process will commence.  Voting will open from 09:00 Thursday 12th December and close at 23:00 Wednesday 18th  December 2013.  The management of the voting process will be overseen by the Quality Enhancement Office under the direction of Professor David Croke, Director of Quality Enhancement.  I will inform candidates of the outcome prior to a general staff announcement of the elected nominee.

With best wishes,

Prof. Hannah McGee
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

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