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2014 INMED Annual Scientific Meeting and AGM

Dated - January 6, 2014

Dear Colleagues

We would like to let you know that the INMED 7th Annual Scientific Meeting and AGM will take place in Queen’s University, Belfast on 20th and 21st February 2014, with a full day of pre-conference workshops on 19th February.

This year’s theme is Creating Supportive Learning Environments and will include a panel of international expert speakers:

  • Prof. Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia
  • Prof. Tim Dornan, Maastricht University, Netherland
  • Prof. Pauline McAvoy, National Clinical Assessment Service, UK

A Preliminary programme, registration and abstract submission details is available on www.inmed.ie

Please also see the ASM flyer attached.

Please note that we are using the dedicated email address inmed2014@qub.ac.uk for the ASM

Kind regards,

Dr Frances Meagher (Secretary)
INMED Executive

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