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Home » General Announcements » The RCSI Society of Neuroscience invites you to “Electrical Storm: A Series on Epilepsy, its Effects, and Current Research” from 6pm on March 6, 2014.

The RCSI Society of Neuroscience invites you to “Electrical Storm: A Series on Epilepsy, its Effects, and Current Research” from 6pm on March 6, 2014.

Dated - February 26, 2014

The event will feature guest speakers including Professor David Henshall (Neurophysiologist), Dr Norman Delanty (Neurologist), Professor Gianpiero Cavalleri (Neurogeneticist), Mr Donncha O’Brien (Neurosurgeon), Professor Kieran Murphy (Neuropsychiatrist) and Mr Mike Glynn (CEO of Epilepsy Ireland).

Improve your knowledge of the pathophysiology of epilepsy and enrich your understanding of associated clinical manifestations, physical and social effects, along with the psychiatry, based on the latest research available!

CPD points are available!!

Wine and cheese will be provided. Email neuroscience@rcsi.ie to reserve a place now!

RCSI Society of Neuroscience

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