Dated - July 7, 2014
Dear Colleagues,
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from potential speakers for the 2014-2015 RCSI MiniMed School (MMS) Open Lecture Series.
The MMS is an informative health lecture series, open free of charge to the general public. Our aim is to provide a relaxed forum for the general public to become familiar with health-related matters and allow participants learn directly from RCSI experts how they can take an active role in maintaining their health. The MMS lectures usually take place on the last Wednesday evening of each month during term time (see ). All lectures are video recorded and publically available for viewing on the RCSI YouTube Channel. RCSI staff donate their time so that we can avoid charging an attendance fee to the public.
To submit an expression of interest for the coming series please provide the following information:
1. Proposed title of talk (suitable for a lay audience)
2. Abstract (a brief summary of your talk content or key highlights)
3. Optional: Ideally we would like to have two talks on a common theme each night, so consider asking a colleague to give a complementary/paired theme talk (e.g. in the past we’ve had a stroke physician and physiotherapist give complementing talks with great success)
Please email the information above and your contact details to by the 1st August 2014.
To get a feel for what the lectures are like, you can view each lecture from the previous series on the RCSI YouTube channel. (Please note, these lectures will be recorded).
The RCSI MiniMed School Open Lecture series continues to be an empowering educational programme, popular with a diverse profile of the general public, and serves to embed engagement with the wider community firmly within RCSI’s mission.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Maria Morgan
on behalf of MiniMed School Team: Maria Morgan, Fiona O’Brien, Michelle Flood and Robert Magee
Maria Morgan PhD
Senior Lecturer Molecular & Cellular Therapeutics