1. Press communications initiated by RCSI
News potential
A press release is newsworthy. It should cover topics that are new and interesting to the public the release is directed toward. News releases are timely, informative and educational and examples include the following:
• A new piece of published research – how does the research connect to the average person?
• Any event that has an impact on human interest — how does the event or project? Does it have a wider effect and what are the benefits?
• Official announcements: Such as appointments, new services, and organisational accomplishments are generally regarded as newsworthy.
Before requesting a press release, be sure to ask yourself:
• Will this story be of interest to a large number of readers?
• Does this story speak of a special noteworthy event or something that would have special significance to the industry?
• Is this news unique?
A press release is:
• A short, written document with a clear headline at the top
• Contains sufficient facts and quotes to support a short news story — two quotes is the suggested maximum unless the domain expert feels the release would be strengthened by a third quote
• Has brief supporting background on the organisation
• Written with the target reader in mind “What does this mean to them?”
News release layout
Staff are welcome to submit a draft release for consideration. Should you decide to draft a news release, please adhere to the following format:
• Press release needs attention-grabbing title
• The first paragraph should contain all of the important information of the press release
o Who
o What
o When
o Where
o Why
• Please limit your release to one to two pages. If additional pages are necessary, use them for supporting, not critical information.
• Include two quotes from official representatives (Principle Investigators, Heads of Department or other actively involved prominent persons in the field)
How to submit a request for a press release
Please follow the steps below when requesting press releases:
• If you know that your department has news to report, please submit all requests to the RCSI Communications Department (communications@rcsi.ie)
• At least three weeks’ notice is required before the time of the request and the point at which the release must be issued in order to coordinate efforts, draft the release, receive all necessary approvals and pitch the release to potential reporters.
Note: Please supply all relevant information (who, what, when, why, where and quotes) regarding the press release. This will help the process move more swiftly and efficiently. The more information you can provide to help us craft a news release, the faster the release can be drafted and issued.
Press release requests, approval, and dissemination
• All press release requests must be submitted to, reviewed by, and approved by the RCSI Director of Communications.
• After your request has been submitted, you will be notified within approximately three days as to whether your request has been approved or denied; if your request was denied, you will be notified as to the reason why a release was not deemed necessary; If a request was approved, you may be contacted for more information and assistance in drafting the release
• Once written, the release will be sent to the person who requested it for its approval
• The final release will receive final approval from the Director of Communications
• All press releases will be distributed through the official RCSI media lists as well as the RCSI staff list, Council list and RCSI Bahrain staff.
Official RCSI Spokespersons
The person quoted in a press release will act as the official spokesperson for RCSI and on behalf of the information provided in the press release. If you are approached directly to speak to the media, the query must be referred to the Communications Department (communications@rcsi.ie) in advance of speaking to the media.
2. Third party/joint press release guidelines
Please read the following guidelines carefully before preparing a press release that involves the use of RCSI, its members, initiatives and other news regarding RCSI. If, after reading these guidelines, you have further questions, please contact Paula Curtin, Communications Manager (402 2218).
Press release guidelines at a glance
• RCSI’s Director of Communications must approve all joint press releases
• RCSI will distribute joint press releases to the internal RCSI audience
• RCSI will also distribute joint releases to appropriate media outlets with which RCSI has established relationships.