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Master class on Ambulatory Emergency Care – November 27th, Tallaght University Hospital

Dated - November 21, 2014

As part of the Irish Healthcare Redesign Programme (IRHP) and on behalf of Dr. Tony O’Connell, National Director Acute Hospitals, in collaboration with the National Clinical Programmes,  hospital staff and patients you are invited to a

Master class on Ambulatory Emergency Care

presented  by

Dr. Vincent Connolly, National Clinical Lead for Ambulatory Emergency Care, NHS

Venue:  Learning & Development Lecture Theatre, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin on Thursday  November 27th 2014

Time: 8am-10am

The master class will include the following:

1. The development of Ambulatory Emergency Care in the UK

2. The Ambulatory Emergency Care programme and network outline

3. Case studies from various areas and sites incl. medicine & surgery.

Places will be limited, can you email Celine Conroy please to reserve a place celine.conroy@hse.ie.

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