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Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education

Dated - July 31, 2015

The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education is a Level 9, 60 credit programme (incorporating a 30 credit Postgraduate Certificate exit award). This one year programme has been designed to support teaching faculty at RCSI in the development of leading edge educational skills grounded in appropriate theoretical frameworks, which will enable them to reflect on current practice and develop their educational input into a variety of aspects of the RCSI curriculum.

The programme has a modular structure designed to focus on the key elements of teaching in both the clinical and classroom/non-clinical settings. The modules are:

1. Introduction to Health Professions Education
2. Principles of Teaching & Learning
3. Assessment & Feedback in Health Professions Education
4. Curriculum Design & Evaluation

Candidates must obtain approval from their Head of School / Department and commit to attendance at face-to-face sessions (Thursday mornings, 9.00 – 12.00, from September 10th)

Please register your expression of interest by email to hpec@rcsi.ie

Start Date: 10/09//2015
End Date: 26/05/2016

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