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Have you considered participating in a learning and development course this summer?

In the months of May and June, there are many learning and development opportunities  available to staff. These include: Back to Basics in MS Excel, Building Resilience, Effective Minute Taking, Advanced Functions in MS Excel, Practical Project Management Essentials and Teaching in a Cross Cultural Environment to mention just a few. If you are interested in one or more of these courses, you can find dates, times and further information on the “Upcoming Courses” page on the Staff Portal. If you have any other queries please contact Catriona and Ruth at Staff_L&D@rcsi.ie or call extension 5169

In the months of May and June, there are many learning and development opportunities available to staff. These include: Back to Basics in MS Excel, Building Resilience, Effective Minute Taking, Advanced Functions in MS Excel, Practical Project Management Essentials and Teaching in a Cross Cultural Environment to mention just a few. If you are interested in one or more of these courses, you can find dates, times and further information on the “Upcoming Courses” page on the Staff Portal. If you have any other queries please contact Catriona and Ruth at Staff_L&D@rcsi.ie or call extension 5169

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