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RCSI hosts its sixth annual Ballroom of Romance

More than 300 senior citizens visited RCSI on 7th July for an evening of entertainment, dinner, music and dancing for local senior citizens living in the catchment area of the College. Music was provided on the night by 'Ronan Collins and the Sugar Cubes' showband.  Frank Donegan (RCSI Head Porter) is pictured with is Josie Sheehan, Carmel King, Mary Powell, Rita Donoghue, Vera Geoghegan, Helen Donegan, Ann Boyle, Olive Manners, Tilly Gantly, Berry Parker, Madge Prder, Chris Byrne, Better Parker and Sister Hilda from The Golden Wonders Club all of whom attended the event

More than 300 senior citizens visited RCSI on 7th July for an evening of entertainment, dinner, music and dancing for local senior citizens living in the catchment area of the College. Music was provided on the night by ‘Ronan Collins and the Sugar Cubes’ showband. Frank Donegan (RCSI Head Porter) is pictured with is Josie Sheehan, Carmel King, Mary Powell, Rita Donoghue, Vera Geoghegan, Helen Donegan, Ann Boyle, Olive Manners, Tilly Gantly, Berry Parker, Madge Prder, Chris Byrne, Better Parker and Sister Hilda from The Golden Wonders Club all of whom attended the event

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