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Beaumont Prize- Classroom- Lecture

18 December 2014: Dr Harriet Ryan presents her case entitled Pyrexia in a haemodialysis patient. Dr.Ryan won the Beaumont Hospital McDonnell Medal and was the overall prize winner. She was presented with a cheque for 750.00 by Prof Shane O'Neill. This is a yearly event where the interns of the Dublin North East network affiliated to RCSI present clinical cases for 2 postgraduate medal prizes. Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. Pic credit: Ray Lohan/RCSI

18 December 2014: Dr Harriet Ryan presents her case entitled Pyrexia in a haemodialysis patient.
Dr.Ryan won the Beaumont Hospital McDonnell Medal and was the overall prize winner. She was presented with a cheque for 750.00 by Prof Shane O’Neill.
This is a yearly event where the interns of the Dublin North East network affiliated to RCSI present clinical cases for 2 postgraduate medal prizes. Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. Pic credit: Ray Lohan/RCSI

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