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President Magee- Easter 1916- Children- Markievicz- Poole

23/03/2016 'Surgeons and Insurgents-RCSI and the Easter Rising' exhibition opens at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on St Stephen's Green, Dublin. Picture shows Mr Declan Magee, President of RCSI with Liam and Karen Bradley (5/4 yrs) Isabelle Reast (5) Lucan and Alice Sheils (4) along with life size cut-outs of Countess Markievicz and Christopher Poole on the steps of RCSI.  This free exhibition explores the human stories of both surgeons and insurgents during Easter Week and is open to the public from 23rd March to April 17th 2016. PIC: NO FEE, MAXWELLPHOTOGRAPHY.IE

23/03/2016 ‘Surgeons and Insurgents-RCSI and the Easter Rising’ exhibition opens at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland on St Stephen’s Green, Dublin. Picture shows Mr Declan Magee, President of RCSI with Liam and Karen Bradley (5/4 yrs) Isabelle Reast (5) Lucan and Alice Sheils (4) along with life size cut-outs of Countess Markievicz and Christopher Poole on the steps of RCSI. This free exhibition explores the human stories of both surgeons and insurgents during Easter Week and is open to the public from 23rd March to April 17th 2016. PIC: NO FEE, MAXWELLPHOTOGRAPHY.IE

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