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Attend or tune in to RCSI MyHealth live this evening from 18:30

This evening, Wednesday 30th November, the next free RCSI MyHealth public health lectures for 2016 takes place, entitled Living with Stroke - Advancing Patient Care in Ireland". This will take place in the O'Flanagan Lecture theatre at RCSI, St. Stephen’s Green at 6.30pm, where healthcare and research experts will discuss common challenges experienced by people after stroke and the various rehabilitation options available to stroke patients, as well as highlighting ground-breaking research that is impacting on how stroke is being treated in Ireland. Our speakers will also talk about community services available to patients and their families after stroke as well as information on the stroke services centre in Beaumont Hospital, which are moving towards advancing stroke patient care throughout Ireland. Tune in live by visiting rcsi.ie/myhealthlive.

This evening, Wednesday 30th November, the next free RCSI MyHealth public health lectures for 2016 takes place, entitled Living with Stroke – Advancing Patient Care in Ireland”. This will take place in the O’Flanagan Lecture theatre at RCSI, St. Stephen’s Green at 6.30pm, where healthcare and research experts will discuss common challenges experienced by people after stroke and the various rehabilitation options available to stroke patients, as well as highlighting ground-breaking research that is impacting on how stroke is being treated in Ireland. Our speakers will also talk about community services available to patients and their families after stroke as well as information on the stroke services centre in Beaumont Hospital, which are moving towards advancing stroke patient care throughout Ireland. Tune in live by visiting rcsi.ie/myhealthlive.

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