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Experts deliver RCSI MyHealth stroke lecture to 200 attendees

Pictured are the speakers at the RCSI MyHealth lecture, held in the College on 30th November, (l-r) is Professor Anne Hickey (Psychology), Prof David Williams (Geriatric Medicine), Helena O’Donnell (Advocacy spokesperson for the Irish Heart Foundation) and Professor Frances Horgan (School of Physiotherapy). The title of the talks was “Living with Stroke – Advancing Patient Care in Ireland” and more than 200 members of the public were in attendance

Pictured are the speakers at the RCSI MyHealth lecture, held in the College on 30th November, (l-r) is Professor Anne Hickey (Psychology), Prof David Williams (Geriatric Medicine), Helena O’Donnell (Advocacy spokesperson for the Irish Heart Foundation) and Professor Frances Horgan (School of Physiotherapy). The title of the talks was “Living with Stroke – Advancing Patient Care in Ireland” and more than 200 members of the public were in attendance

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