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RCSI Green Campus Initiative plants 200 trees to mark National Tree Week

This week is National Tree Week and to mark this, 12 RCSI students and some staff members planted more than 200 native trees – which were oak, rowan, beech and silver birch trees at an event in the College’s grounds in Dardistown on Saturday the 11th March. Pictured is Dr Darren Griffith (Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry), Professor Brendan Kavanagh (Anatomy) and our and 12 student volunteers. Photos are courtesy of Fatemah Sadeq, RCSI medicine student

This week is National Tree Week and to mark this, 12 RCSI students and some staff members planted more than 200 native trees – which were oak, rowan, beech and silver birch trees at an event in the College’s grounds in Dardistown on Saturday the 11th March. Pictured is Dr Darren Griffith (Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry), Professor Brendan Kavanagh (Anatomy) and our and 12 student volunteers. Photos are courtesy of Fatemah Sadeq, RCSI medicine student

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