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Book a room

Online booking portal

To make a room booking for RCSI SSG campus; please book via the online booking portal here.

How to book a room

  1. If you wish to make a room booking for SSG Campus please use the online booking portal
  2. If you cannot locate a room via the online booking portal; email the Bookings team via bookings@rcsi.ie
  3. Please read the Room Bookings process outlined below;
  4. Space is limited on campus and therefore we cannot guarantee availability for your request.
  5. At all stages, space in RCSI will be prioritised for teaching needs and bookings may be impacted to facilitate such needs.

Do you have a query?

If you have a query, would like to check a booking or need some advice please email us at bookings@rcsi.ie and we will be happy to assist you. We appreciate your understanding and patience at this time.

Venue capacities and layouts are available here to view for 121, 123 St Stephen’s Green, 26 York Street and Mercer Building.

 Useful links Media Services and Catering:

  • Process for ALL AV support requests visit this page
  • AV Equipment list in rooms in SSG
  • MS Teams dialing options available in SSG venues
  • MS Teams guidelines can be viewed and downloaded here
  • Chartwells’ Catering  pack 


Media Service charges will apply for non-teaching room bookings; please contact Media Services directly to confirm if fees apply to your event. (mediaservices@rcsi.ie)

For both Catering and Media Service charges, we will require a budget code. Please ensure this is provided when booking a room.

Room Bookings Process

The Bookings team work to ensure all requirements for your bookings are inserted into the system in a timely manner. This is to ensure the smooth delivery of services for all colleagues in RCSI, St Stephen’s Green campus.

  1. We prepare a weekly ‘Activities’ calendar for all service providers in RCSI, the calendar is issued on a Wednesday morning and covers bookings in the system up to the following Monday (12 day period).  
  2. To assist with preparing the calendar for the week ahead we ask all colleagues to ensure their bookings are updated via the online system no later than COB each Tuesday. Bookings should include ALL Audio Visual (AV), Catering, Room setup requirements, and running order for larger bookings/events etc
  3. The calendar is issued on Wednesday to all service providers in RCSI and a weekly meeting is held on Thursday to review the upcoming bookings and events.
  4. Daily at 2.30pm; a follow-up ‘amended calendar’ is issued to service providers to outline minor additions for the day ahead. Ideally, this should only include small changes and adjustments.
  5. Make sure that all last-minute requests for set ups, AV or catering are on the system 24 hours before your event takes place. If not, we cannot guarantee your request will be accommodated for the day ahead. 

Important information

  • When booking a room it is important that you include all of the requirements you may need. This will include room layout, numbers attending, flip charts, power points, AV requirements etc. If you have not specified these requirements, you needs will not be met.
  • Due to the demands on space in the College, the Bookings team reserve the right to relocate meetings/teaching as necessary in order to facilitate as many bookings as possible.
  • Once you have booked a meeting it is your responsibility to ensure all of your requirements are up to date and in the system.
  • Unnecessary block booking of rooms is not permitted, spot checks will be carried out and charges will be incurred as a result of misusing the system.
  • All users should book rooms that suit the needs of their meeting. You should not book a meeting room with a capacity of 30 if you only have four people in attendance. Should this occur relocations will be made in order to facilitate additional requests.
  • Priority for rooms will be given for academic teaching requirements, it will not be possible to book teaching space in RCSI until all timetable requests are received and submitted for the teaching for the academic year ahead.
  • Events cannot take place during term time which will have an impact on the academic teaching, please contact bookings@rcsi.ie to obtain more information about hosting an event in RCSI.
  • All timetable requests must be submitted via the School programme coordinators/SARA teams. Please refer to the timetable policy for more information.

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