Overview of activities
The Registry Services team provides the core registry services for RCSI. It serves as the home of the student record and create and maintain current, reliable data in our Student Management System; Quercus. We also provide all verifications for past students and for our Fellows and Members.
Our team implement registry policies and procedures, and provide governance support for committees within the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, e.g. the A&QC.
We are also responsible for liaising with key external stakeholders like the HEA and NUI. We also carry out statistical analysis on student assessment and provide reports to our academics and other staff to enable them to continuously review the practices and techniques in use across our RCSI campuses.
Location: 1st Floor, 123 St Stephen’s Green, Team email: registry@rcsi.ie
Contact details
Fiona Mitchell – Head of Registry Services
Tel: (01) 402 2761, Email: fionamitchell@rcsi.ie
Joan Kilgour – Senior Faculty Coordinator
Tel: (01) 402 2788, Email: joankilgour@rcsi.ie
Kelly Webster – Quercus Business Improvement Officer
Tel: (01) 402 2557, Email: kellywebster@rcsi.ie
Rick Maher – Senior Faculty Coordinator (Quercus)
Email: rickmaher@rcsi.ie
Emily Mannion – Business Intelligence Analyst
Tel: (01) 402 5050, Email: emilymannion@rcsi.ie
Natasa Milankovic – Faculty Coordinator
Email: natasamilankovic@rcsi.ie
Niall Whitney – Faculty Coordinator
Tel: (01) 402 2517, Email: niallwhitney@rcsi.ie