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HPEC Workshop: Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching: Blending & Flipping the Classroom – ERC, Beumont

  • Start Date - 11/10/2016
  • End Date - 11/10/2016
  • Start Time - 10:00
  • End Time - 12:00
  • Location -
  • Interested -

Blended Learning integrates online and traditional face-to-face (f2f) teaching strategies in a “planned, pedagogically valuable manner, and do not just combine but trade-off face-to-face time with online activity, or vice versa” (Vignare, 2007). Negotiating the blend of online and f2f contact, and finding the appropriate balance are growing challenges for all concerned in contemporary education (Clark 2003). Similarly, successful implementation of the flipped model of instruction (where events that have traditionally taken place inside the classroom now take place outside the classroom and vice versa) requires a considered analysis and application of constructivist and collaborative models of learning. This workshop will outline the design, development and delivery processes involved in successful implementation of both approaches to learning and teaching.

To register please email hpec@rcsi.ie
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