- Start Date - 12/04/2013
- End Date - 12/04/2013
- Start Time - 16.30
- End Time -
- Location - Board Room, 123 St. Stephen's Green
- Interested -
In recognition of the enormous contribution to RCSI and the wider academic community;
Professor Hannah McGee,
Dean Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences RCSI
invites you to attend a retirement reception for
Professor Kevin Nolan PhD, DSc(NUI), FRSC
Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry RCSI
Director of the School of Postgraduate Studies RCSI
Friday 12th April 2013
Board Room, RCSI
RSVP by Friday 5th April to:
Communications Department,
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,
123 St Stephens Green, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01 402 2135 Email: communications@rcsi.ie