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Seminar: Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances

  • Start Date - 24/10/2018
  • End Date - 24/10/2018
  • Start Time - 18:00
  • End Time - 20:00
  • Location -
  • Interested -

Location: Boucher Hayes lecture theater, 26 York Street.

RCSI is collaborating with the Institute of Occupational Safety (IOSH) & the Health & Safety Authority (HSA) to support the EU-OSHA Safety week campaign “Healthy Workplaces Manage Dangerous Substances”.

The aim of this seminar is to raise awareness of the risks posed by dangerous substances in the workplace and will also focus on IOSH’s “No time to lose” campaign discussing its message ‘working together to beat occupational cancer’.

Michelle McDermott, HSA Inspector with the Chemicals and Prevention section, will address the Chemical Agents Regulation, 2001 & 2015. This presentation will include examples of Safety Data Sheets, labels and typical risk assessments, illustrating the common gaps seen in meeting the legal requirements and how to fulfill the requirements of the legislation in a practical and useful manner.

Some dangerous substances are known carcinogens and Vice President of IOSH, James Quinn, will speak about the IOSH “No time to lose” campaign which is focused on raising awareness of occupational cancer.

Registration and networking will commence at 18.00 on the 5th floor of 26 York Street, followed by the seminar from 18.45 to 20.00 in Boucher Hayes LT.

What’s in it for me?
Develop your knowledge and be informed on the resources available to manage dangerous substances in the workplace. Find out how in supporting IOSHs “No time to lose” campaign we can work together to beat occupational cancer. Refreshment and networking opportunities available. CPD points can also be allocated by attending this event.

What you need to know…
As places are limited, please register to attend this seminar. Email safety@rcsi.ie to book your place.

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