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Estate and Support Services – here to assist

Dear colleagues,

Many of you are aware and already log calls and queries with the Estate and Support Services helpdesk but to ensure that all staff are aware of the process please see below:

All RCSI Estate issues, and these can be far reaching from a flashing bulb in your office/lab to cleaning or security concerns, from a request for a new office key to an issue with your desk phone, should be logged with the Estate and Support Services helpdesk – email estate@rcsi.com

These requests are all logged, allocated a priority rating and assigned accordingly to the relevant Estates person to action. Once the request is assigned you will receive an email confirming same and will also receive an email when the request has been closed out.

Estate and Support Services can also be contacted directly on Ext. 2101.

We will be launching enhanced helpdesk options in the near future which will allow you to log queries directly from your desktop and further information will follow regrading same.

As always thank you for keeping us informed – this allows the team to continue to provide a world class campus to all staff, students and visitors – thus please do log your queries or concerns, no matter how small, with us and we will address same.

Kind regards,

Estate and Support Services

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