Dear Colleagues,
As part of the Estates Summer Works Programme the following refurbishment works are planned and will be completed over the following two months:
- Relocation of the Tutorial rooms from ground floor 123 SSG to 1st floor (Old AK Henry´s) – the new tutorial rooms, TR2,2 &3 will be slightly larger than their current size and will have the ability to be used as one communicating TR or two / three separate TR’s.
- Future Neuro SFI Centre – the creation of the new Future Neuro SFI Centre the refurbishment of the existing TR 1-3’s is being undertaken to provide a dedicated SFI centre, offices and Research write up space.
- Institute of Leadership, Reservoir Hse, Sandyford: following the relocation of GEM to Mercer Building, SSG and with the increased demand for space to house the array of Institute of Leadership courses refurbishment of Reservoir House is being undertaken.
- Repurposing of MCT Boardroom – to accommodate increased Research office space in MCT the existing MCT boardroom is being repurposed to create a 3 person office and small meeting room
- 2nd Floor Reconfiguration, 121 SSG: Various minor office alterations / layout changes are occurring on the second floor, 121 SSG to afford adequate office space to a number of Faculty offices.
- Creation of an additional tutorial room in GEM, Connolly to meet increased student numbers and to continue to support small group teaching for GEM Connolly students
While every effort will be made to reduce and prevent disruption to staff and students, some minor disruption is inevitable. We will do everything possible to mitigate such instances and would ask you to contact us immediately in the Estates office on ext. 2290 should you wish to report anything.
In advance we thank you for your co-operation during these works.
Kind regards,
Estate and Support Services