Dated - March 18, 2015
RCSI have recently become members of the ‘Leadership Foundation for Higher Education’ (LFHE) based in the UK – Membership of the organisation spans the most reputable Universities and Colleges across the UK with an expanding presence in Ireland. The LFHE recently delivered a bespoke programme on Coaching Skills for Managers in RCSI which was very well received by participants.
In addition to training delivery, LFHE offer Research publications and Case study information which if of a very high standard and as a member of the foundation all RCSI employees now have access to these research reports.
Research publications fall into the following 10 categories:
1. The UK HE System
2. The New HE Economy
3. Collaboration and Partnerships
4. Governance
5. Leadership in Practice
6. Changing Roles, Structures and Careers
7. Leadership Development
8. Leading the Student Experience
9. Leading Equality and Diversity
10. Internationalisation
Instructions for accessing LFHE reports:
1. Click on the following link or paste to your preferred browser –
2. Select the ‘MyLF Login’ link, located on the LHS of the top menu bar.
3. Select the ‘Register now?’ link to record your details.
4. In the ‘Institution’ field – type RCSI and select the college name from the drop down list.
5. Record your First Name, Last Name, Email address and select any interests that you have.
6. Select ‘Create an account’.
7. Within a few minutes – you will receive an email with your MyLF Identity Number and Password.
8. Select the ‘Login’ button either from the email received or from within the two website links identified above.
9. You will be given the option to change your password and in the future LFHE have planned for functionality to allow you to change your assigned Identity Number also.
10. Hold on to your Identity Number and Password details for future reference.