- Start Date - 13/11/2014
- End Date - 13/11/2014
- Start Time - 10.30
- End Time - 11.30
- Location - Albert Lecture Theatre, 123 SSG
- Interested -
Dated - 13
‘Archives Breathe Lives into History’ – Explore Your Archives 2014 Campaign
RCSI Heritage Collections invite all staff and students to come along to a ‘show and tell’ session on Thursday 13th November from 10.30-12 in the Albert Theatre to join in the national Explore Your Archive 2014 Campaign. At this session numerous weird and wonderful items from the College archives will be talked about, shown and put on display for an up close and personal experience. Thomas Heazle Parke (FRCSI 1890) took part in the Emin Pasha Expedition traversing darkest Africa with Henry Stanley in 1888. Come see the ivory handle dagger and bracelets given to him by the pygmy’s of the Congo. No one likes going to dentist but if you were unlucky enough to need a tooth pulled in the early 1900s, a tooth extractor was the dentist’s instrument of choice. Tooth extractors, a dental drill and a tooth key will be among a variety of other items on display.
The RCSI Heritage Collections hold over 890 linear metres of archives, 6000 pamphlets, 2000 medical instruments, 1000 antique furnishings and 600 antiquarian books and is continuously growing. The possibilities housed within the RCSI Heritage Collections for the discovery and research of the history of medicine in Ireland are endless.