Dated - October 13, 2014
Dear All,
I would like to bring to your attention the story of Baby Conor Toner from the Blanchardstown area. This baby is my cousins baby and very sadly he has recently been diagnosed with a rare genetic fatal disease called Gaucher’s Disease Type 2. Conor up until 6 weeks ago seemed to be a healthy baby boy. After several chest infections and subsequently rigorous tests, Conor was diagnosed with this disease. To date this beautiful boy still has a smile on his face but his health is deteriorating and he is now in need of 24 hour medical care. Conor is currently in Temple Street hospital and has spent the last 6 weeks there.
You can read and follow Conors story below on his ‘Bring Baby Conor Home’ Facebook page. His heartbroken parents wish now is to bring Conor home so that they can create more beautiful memories & spend as much time with him as possible. I have attached a flyer about a Fundraiser Race Night that is taking place on the 8th November in St Peregrines GAA Club on the Blakestown Road, Dublin 15. This promises to be a fun night with Raffle Prizes, Best Dressed Lady Prizes, Auction and much more!!!. Tickets for the event are €10 and this also covers your entry to the Draw so you can buy a non attendance ticket and still be included in the raffle. You can also sponsor a race and the cost is €250 and to buy a horse its €20. The link below will bring you to this event on his facebook page.
You can also make a donation directly to Conors Fund via the link below :
Thank you for taking the time to read this and please consider supporting Conor and his parents with their wish to bring him home. Now crack open the piggy banks, get the frocks out and please include Conor and his mam and dad in your prayers.
Many thanks,
Annemarie Creighton
Faculty Co-Ordinator, FSEM