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Calling all RCSI Staff – We need you to Cycle and Run in aid of Nepal

  • Start Date - 01/05/2015
  • End Date - 01/05/2015
  • Start Time - 10:00
  • End Time - 12:30
  • Location - Concourse, 123 SSG
  • Interested -

Dated - 01


Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for your help.

We’re sure you have seen the devastating images or footage from the recent earthquake in Nepal which has taken over 4,000 lives and has left tens of thousands of others homeless.

Oxfam Ireland urgently need help to provide clean water, sanitation and emergency food so to support them, we are organising an emergency  Run-a-thon and Bike-a-thon on Friday 1st May from 10am until 12.30pm. As almost half of the population of Nepal are children, there is an immediate need to help these families.

We need volunteers to come along, donate, shake a collection bucket and even cycle or run to support Oxfam’s efforts, of which 100% of all donations will go to the emergency response in the Nepal.

We need people to keep the bike and treadmill in action for however long you can in this time period and would like to invite everyone to come along to the Concourse in 123 St Stephen’s Green at this time for Tea, Coffee and Biscuits, kindly donated by KSG.

It’s also a good way of getting your workout done by lunchtime!

If you would like to run or/and cycle please email Patsy at patsyconnolly@rcsi.ie.

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