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Clickers in the Classroom -: Supporting active learning in large group teaching- a debate.

Dated - November 21, 2013

Clickers in the Classroom -: Supporting active learning in large group teaching- a debate.

December 4th, 2013 at 1p.m. in the Cheyne Lecture Theatre, RCSI, 123 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.

Faculty interested in getting the most out of “clickers” to create engaging lecturing opportunities are invited to attend this event. Audience response systems or “clickers” are one of many learning technology tools that can be used to encourage student participation in the classroom. Clickers have been used in a variety of disciplines at all levels of education. The lecturer poses a question to the students; the students use the clickers to transmit answers by pressing the clicker buttons. The teaching strategy of Peer Instruction (Mazur, 2007) has been widely associated with the use of clickers with large group teaching. To learn more about this join in the clicker debate on December 4th!

Health Professions Education Centre (HPEC)

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