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Finance System Upgrade

Dated - June 13, 2013

Dear Staff,

In order to facilitate the implementation of the upgrade to the current Agresso Financial Accounting system, we would like to inform you that Accounts Payable will not raise Purchase Orders after 3pm on Tuesday 18th of June or on Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th and Friday 20th. We will be unable to process and make any payments during this time also.

Any PO’s received during this period will be raised on Monday 24th of June. If you are aware of any urgent Purchase order requirements please ensure that they are sent to Carrie on or before 12.00pm on Tuesday 18th June to ensure they are issued before the upgrade. If you require any clarification please contact Carrie Campbell (po@rcsi.ie or 01 402 2136).

Please note also that Accounts Payable will organise an early payment run on Tuesday 18th of June for suppliers and employees/Lecturers/Examiners expenses claims. The next payment will be on Thursday 27th of June. Please ensure that any important payments are processed as soon as possible to ensure that payment can be made on Tuesday. If you require any clarification please contact Niall McMahon (niallmcmahon@rcsi.ie or 01 402 2352).

We thank-you for your patience.


Accounts Payable Team

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