- Start Date - 14/10/2015
- End Date - 14/10/2015
- Start Time - 19.00
- End Time - 20.00
- Location - O’Flanagan Lecture Theatre, RCSI.
- Interested -
Dated - 14
Movement is Medicine for Joint Health
Movement unlocks the door to good health including the health of our bones, joints and muscles. Join us for a public lecture on the benefits of exercise for joint pain, back pain and general health benefits.
As part of World Bone and Joint Active Week 2015, the ISCP (Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists) are hosting a free public lecture at RCSI on Wednesday 14th October.
Dr Helen French (RCSI School of Physiotherapy) &
Ms Antoinette Curley
Chartered Physiotherapists In Musculoskeletal Therapy
Register here
Download the flyer for the talk here