- Start Date - 19/01/2015
- End Date - 19/01/2015
- Start Time - 09.00
- End Time - 13.30
- Location - Boardroom, RCSI Education & Research Centre, Beaumont
- Interested -
Dated - 19
- 09:00 Registration, Coffee
- 09.15 Introductions
- 09.30 Research Governance
Workshop 1 - 10.00 Principles of ICH GCP
- 10:30 Investigator Responsibilities
- 11:30 Coffee
- 12:00 Investigator Responsibilities
- 12.30 Workshop 2
- 12.45 Investigator Responsibilities
- 13.15 GCP Quiz
- 13:30 Concluding Comments
This programme is open to clinical research personnel that have received full GCP training within 2 years.
To reserve a place please contact:
Carole Schilling: caroleschilling@rcsi.ie
Deirdre Hyland: dhyland@rcsi.ie