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Introduction to EndNote X7 – Library Workshops June 2016

Dated - May 23, 2016

The RCSI Library would like to announce the following EndNote X7 training workshops:

1. Wednesday 1st June 14.00-1600
2. Thursday 9th June 10.00-12.00

Training will be held in Mercer Library PC Lab.

What is EndNote X7?
The RCSI has a site-wide licence for the use of EndNote X7 for RCSI computers.
EndNote X7 is a widely-used bibliographic reference software programme that helps teachers, researchers and writers to:
• store, manage, organise and format bibliographic references to be used in their research papers and publications
• automatically create and format citations and bibliographies for their research papers, dissertations and monographs

Who should attend?
This introductory workshop on EndNote X7 is aimed particularly at RCSI staff and postgraduate research students, who wish to gain an understanding of how to create, populate and manipulate references using EndNote X7. The training will presume no previous knowledge of EndNote X7. It is not suitable for those seeking advanced instruction. Please note the workshop is based on EndNote X7 and Microsoft Office 2010 on Windows 7.

Workshop Details
The workshop will cover:
• Getting started with EndNote X7
• Creating an EndNote Library
• Changing the display fields
• Populating your EndNote library and Working with your references
• Manual References – working with bibliographic styles
• Direct Export from databases– adding information to references – sorting your references
• Using import filters
• Connecting to library catalogues and databases, e.g. the British Library Catalogue, from EndNote
• Cite While you Write
• Using EndNote and Word
• Inserting citations into your Word document
• Formatting your citations and bibliography
• Editing your citation
• Removing field codes
• Printing out your EndNote Library, e.g. Reading Lists

Training documents will be provided.

Please note we are unable to provide training for earlier versions of EndNote, for EndNote Online or for the Mac version of EndNote.

Places are limited to 15 participants and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. A waiting list for future workshops will be set up.

To register, please email your preferred class date, your name, department and contact phone number to libraryendnote@rcsi.ie
Further questions or comments

If you have any questions or comments about this workshop, please feel free to email libraryendnote@rcsi.ie

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