Dated - April 26, 2018
The aims of this highly practical half-day course are to provide participants with the skills and tools required and to build personal confidence in their abilities to run a meeting.
During the sessions, participants will learn how to:
- Ensure meetings and minutes meet the needs of the organisation and its stakeholders
- Understand the role and responsibilities of the chair and minute-taker
- Prepare effectively for a meeting / create an effective agenda
- Manage a meeting to ensure objectives are achieved
Course content
Part One – Introduction
- Best practice: Defining a good meeting
- Defining the roles and responsibilities of chair and minute-taker
- Characterising the relationship between the chair and the minute-taker
Part Two – Managing Meetings
- Preparation
- Differences between internal and external meetings
- Creating and managing an effective agenda
- Time management techniques
- Ensuring objectives are met/ keeping meetings on track
- Liaising with the minute-taker
- Learning to summarise in meetings
- Stamping out waffling and repetition
- Using additional reports/ documents in the best way
- Managing people: encouraging participation/ dealing with personality types etc.
- Managing conference calls
- Ensuring the minute-taker delivers the minutes required (e.g. level of detail, formality of language)
- Awareness of FoI and its implications (e.g. content, records management)
- Offering clear instructions on the completion of meetings
- Tips for reviewing the final version of minutes
Target Audience: All staff.
Duration: 3.5 hours
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