Dated - November 10, 2015
Dear Colleagues,
Following power testing last Thursday evening many students and staff have been unable to access library ejournals, ebooks, databases and clinical summaries from off-site. Academic staff should note many students were unable to connect to library services needed to complete assignments from off-site locations over the weekend and while on-site access to e-resources was unaffected not all students were in a position to come to the libraries.
RCSI IT are working hard to fix this but we are aware that there are still intermittent problems with access to some resources. If you are off-site (i.e. not in SSG, ERC, Beaumont Library, Sandyford, GEP facility Connolly) and are still unable to connect to library resources or are experiencing random interruptions to service please email and let us know
– The name of the resource you are trying to access
– If possible, send us a screenshots or the text of the error message that you see
We apologise for the interruption to service and thank you for your patience. Please note on-site access to library services is unaffected.
Kate Kelly
Chief Librarian, RCSI Mercer Library