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Live streaming of Irish Learning Technology Conference – 29-30 May 2014

Dated - May 29, 2014

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the fifteenth annual conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) taking place today and tomorrow in University College Dublin today. The conference should be of interest to those enthusiastic about using technology in their teaching and learning.

A number of RCSI academic staff will be presenting and coordinating a number of sessions relating to technology enhanced learning and medical education at RCSI. RCSI staff members representing at this year’s include Jane Holland, Eric Clarke, Lisa Donaldson, Rebecca Kirrane, Elaine Byrne & Catherine Bruen.

There are over 90+ presentations across a variety of themes (including online learning, digital literacies and Health Professions Education) from a national and international audience of over 240 delegates.

Some highlights to look out for are listed below….

• You can view the plenary sessions live online at the following link: http://heanet.ie/edtech2014
• Conference programme: http://ilta.ie/edtech/edtech2014/edtech2014-conference-programme/
• Twitter: #edtech14

Join in and Enjoy!

Best regards

Catherine Bruen

 Further information on this:

The conference theme, Eurovision 2020: Technology Enhanced Learning for a New Horizon is aligned with the imminent publication of the European Commission policy report ‘New Methods of Delivering Quality in Higher Education’ from the EC High Level Group for the Modernisation of Higher Education chaired by former president Mary Mc Aleese.

Some highlights to look out for:


Thursday, 10:15 am: Margie Waters – European Commission Deputy Head Higher Education and Erasmus+ (DG Education and Culture)

Thursday, 3:30 pm: Lord David Puttnam – Film Producer and Ireland’s Digital Champion (contributing a specially recorded keynote)

Friday, 10:00 am: Mike Sharples – Professor of Educational Technology, Open University and Academic Lead FutureLearn

Friday, 3:35pm: Sarah Moore – Chair, National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning

– 2013 Technology-Enhanced Learning Survey:

ILTA will launch Ireland’s first higher education TEL survey dataset. With a 91% participation rate, we report on TEL uses, supports, strategies and challenges in our 2013 snapshot. This offers the first iteration findings from a longitudinal research project developed in association with UCISA (UK).

– Live Presentations and Voting for the Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

– Prof. Sarah Moore will present the outcomes of the consultation process aimed at developing a roadmap for Building Digital Capacity in Higher Education in Ireland.

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