- Start Date - 20/05/2015
- End Date - 20/05/2015
- Start Time - 13.10
- End Time - 14.00
- Location - TR 8, 123 St. Stephen’s Green, RCSI
- Interested -
Dated - 20
Although the world has changed considerably since public access to the internet became available two decades ago, by and large teaching remains the same. As educators, technology often appears to be something that happens to us rather than something we can control. As institutions we have broadly adopted an opt-in approach on an individual lecturer basis, resulting in an uneven landscape across programmes schools and colleges. This talk will look at that landscape and attempt to focus on some of the ways in which we might redress the balance in order to leverage the potential of digital technology to the advantage of research, teaching and scholarship.
We are delighted to invite Dr Kevin C. O’Rourke, Head of e-learning Support & Development with DIT’s Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre DIT. Kevin holds a PhD in the history of ideas from University College London, and his professional career has spanned advertising and publishing . Prior joining DIT in May 2002, he worked as a senior producer for Fathom.com, the online learning consortium founded by Columbia University. In 2014 he was seconded part-time to the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning to assist in the development of the roadmap for building digital capacity in Irish higher education.
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