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MCT Transition Year Programme

Dated - September 6, 2013

Dear All,

Once again the Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics (MCT) Department in the process of setting up a structured Transition Year Research programme based in the MCT department.

The aim of the programme is to give transition year students an insight into life as a research scientist through talks, demonstrations and hands on experiments.

To promote the recognition of RCSI as a leading institution in healthcare, medicine and research, this year we are planning to open the TY programme to pupils outside RCSI. The programme will run over a week with each day having a different theme based on research within the college, with PhD students, post doc’s and PI’s all contributing to the various activities. The programme will run over the week beginning November 11th, 2013 and again in March, 2014.

There are 12 places available each week. Six places will be reserved for pupils outside RCSI selected by their science teacher. The other 6 places will be allocated for RCSI staff with priority given on a first come, first served basis. To reserve a place please reply to olgapiskareva@rcsi.ie by Sept, 25.

We are currently recruiting volunteers to run the programme. All RCSI departments are very welcome to participate. We encourage PhD, M.Sc. and PostDocs to contribute a few hours to the programme. It will help to expand variety of themes in the programme and gain the outreach experience for RCSI participants/tutors.

Kind regards,

Transition Year Research Committee

Dr. Isabella Bray, Dr. Olga Piskareva, Ms. Kay McKeon and Ms. Olwen Foley

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