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No Smoking Policy – In effect from today

Dated - July 1, 2013

RCSI is now a No Smoking College

Effective from the 1st July 2013 RCSI is a No Smoking College. Smoking is PROHIBITED within, or within 5 meters of, all RCSI buildings and property including RCSI operated student accommodation.

The No Smoking Policy covers all types of burnt and smoked products including cigarettes, cigars, tobacco and non-tobacco products in whatever format including electronic cigarettes.

Why introduce a no smoking policy?

The College Council recognises that through the College’s position as a leading provider of medical and public health education it has both a moral and legal duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that employees, students and visitors to the College have the right to work, study or visit without being exposed to tobacco smoke. The issues involved concern the comfort, health (particularly in relation to the dangers of passive smoking) and safety of all those working, studying or visiting the College in any of its Irish locations. The Policy applies to all staff, students, visitors, contractors and subcontractors and is part of the College’s commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of its students and staff.

Enforcement of the policy:

Whilst the CEO has overall responsibility for this Policy, Heads of Academic and Service Departments are responsible for ensuring that students, staff, visitors and, where applicable, contractors/subcontractors are made aware of this Policy and that they comply with its requirements. Supporting this approach and where available, porters and security staff will have a primary role with enforcement.

Help for those who wish to stop Smoking:

In an effort to help individuals adjust to the impact of the Policy or if you are seeking information or support on stopping smoking, advice and supports are provided within Appendix 2 of the policy. It should also be remembered that your GP can offer practical advice and appropriate prescriptions, if necessary, to help you quit.

Where can I get more information?
For addition information, download the No-Smoking-Policy

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