- Start Date - 26/06/2014
- End Date - 26/06/2014
- Start Time - 18.00
- End Time - 20.00
- Location - VC Room - 123 St Stephen's Green
- Interested -
Dated - 26
Overview of activity at the RCSI Institute of Leadership & Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
Networking from 6.00 enabling a 6.30pm sharp start, ending at 8pm.
Presentation 1: Overview of activity at the RCSI Institute of Leadership
Presentation 2: Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
7:00 to 8:00pm: Group discussion/Interaction/Refreshments
Please register by COB Friday, 20th June 2014.
Please mail to: organisationdevelopmentireland@gmail.com if you haven’t received an invitation through Eventbrite and wish to attend.
We hope you can make it
Anne Murphy
ODI Network