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RCSI 3rd International Education Forum

  • Start Date - 23/06/2014
  • End Date - 26/06/2014
  • Start Time - 08:30
  • End Time - 13.00
  • Location -
  • Interested -

Dated - 26

The 3rd RCSI International Education Forum (IEF) will take place from Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th June 2014.

The International Education Forum commenced in 2011, to bring members of the RCSI international community together to discuss ideas and innovations, to share our successes and to resolve challenges. It is an opportunity for RCSI’s international Faculty to come together to discuss our core curriculum and inter-professional themes in health professions education.

This year, the theme is “Curriculum Development in a Transnational Context”. We are in the process of finalising the programme, which will start with focused sessions on the School of Medicine curriculum, followed by a series of inter-professional themes, staff presentations and international guest speakers.

On Thursday 26th June, RCSI is delighted to host one of the workshops in the inaugural National Seminar Series. The workshop is entitled “Bridging the Gap: Researching and Enacting Transition Pedagogy for STEM and Medical Students”. RCSI was successful in receiving funding from the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The Seminars are grouped into ten themes that reflect the Forum’s enhancement theme of ‘Teaching for Transitions’ and this seminar will be delivered as part of the Transition to STEM HE category. The seminar is open to all IEF attendees, RCSI staff and staff from other Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s)

All academic and administrative staff of all of the schools of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences are welcome to attend any sessions.

Please save these dates and further communication will follow in early May regarding registration and programme details.

If you have any queries please email the Deans Office deansoffice@rcsi.ie

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