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RCSI and the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

Dated - August 27, 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 was signed into law earlier this year and on September 1st this new piece of legislation will come into effect, and will impact on how we at RCSI carry out, record and keep track of all of our interactions with all public representatives and bodies. An online register of lobbyists will provide information to the public about who is lobbying, on whose behalf and on what issues.

Lobbying is an important part of the democratic process which enables the public and organisations to make their views on public policy and services known to politicians and public servants. This Act is not meant to inhibit lobbying in any way but it does aim to make the process more transparent.

RCSI is listed on the register as a health sciences institution which engages with public representatives and bodies on education and health issues, we must conduct all lobbying activity, and other communications with publicly elected officials, in a clear, transparent and fully accountable manner.

Lobbying is classed as all communications with designated public officials, including Ministers, TDs, Members of the Seanad, MEPs, Special Advisers to Ministers and Ministers of State, local authorities, special advisors, senior civil and public servants. This also includes a number of other bodies, including the HSE.

Communications which must be recorded on the online register includes the initiation or development of any public policy or programme, the preparation or amendment to any law and the award of any grant, loan or other financial support, or of any licence or other authorisation involving public funds. In addition, this comprises communication with any official about the development or zoning of land.

What I ask that you do, if you engage in any lobbying activity on behalf of the College whether it is on an occasional basis or frequently, could you please email lobbying@rcsi.ie or call 402 2196 and make yourself known to the Communications Department, who will subsequently advise you on the procedures for making returns.

A simple form can be filled in to record each individual lobbying encounter, all of which will be recorded on the online register by the Communications Department three times per year. Full information on Lobbying Act is available on the Staff Portal . Please ensure you are familiar with this new legislation.

If you would like further information please contact Louise Loughran (lloughran@rcsi.ie) or Rob Magee (robertmagee@rcsi.ie) and they will be happy to clarify any queries you may have.

Best wishes


Cathal Kelly
Chief Executive/Registrar, RCSI

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