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RCSI Golf Society Outing – Beaverstown

Dated - May 13, 2013

The RCSI Golf Society is running a Scramble in Beaverstown Golf Club on June 6th, a Thursday at 2.10pm. This format caters for golfers of all levels of skill and experience. It is a 3 or 4 player team event with a mix of experienced and new golfers. Every player drives off , where the best drive lands is the point from which all players play their next shots to the putting green. Here the ball lying nearest the hole is marked and all players putt from this point until a player gets the ball in the hole . The number of shots taken by the TEAM is the score for that hole and so on for the following 17 holes.

The idea of this format is that no player gets into trouble on their own and have a constant team back-up. Handicapping will be explained on the day, but with the proper compositions of teams it plays a minor role in scrambles and so fun should be had by all. Anyone interested in playing should inform the Society (staffgolfsoc@rcsi.ie) before May 24th.

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