Dated - January 23, 2014
‘A Day In The Life Of An RCSI Graduate Entry Programme (GEP) Student’ – Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown
There are still a number of spaces left for the upcoming RCSI GEP Open Day is designed to provide prospective students with a taster of ‘a day in the life’ of an RCSI GEP student’, sampling facilities and activities used by RCSI GEP students.
Cardiology is the theme for the day and will commence with an interactive session led by a consultant cardiologist and one of his patients. Attendees will then break into small groups and rotate through 5 separate 30 minute interactive discovery sessions at which they will get a chance to:
• Experience the technology and techniques used in the diagnosis, treatment and management of cardiology patients
• Evaluate the importance of good communication skills in the doctor-patient relationship
• Interact with some of the IT tools used to train RCSI medical students
• Question current GEP students about their experiences
Coffee and lunch will be provided and there will be access to GEP staff and students throughout the day if you have any questions.
Please spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested. See for more information or download the brochure